A brief textual vignette about us
Trigger is a student led, non-profit organisation specialising in publishing newsletters covering a wide range of subjects. The word Trigger emphasizes on the action of setting minds alight through the distribution of knowledge and ideas. Founded in 2015 by Purvi Ratnani, the present editor in chief, Trigger found its first functioning ground in her very school, DPS Bhilai.
The different newsletters published comprised various other people being a part of the team, who changed after the release of every issue. However, Inshaal Uddin and Ojaswi Tiwari have contributed to shape Trigger throughout its journey handling design and research respectively. GM Harshvardhan joined the team as a permanent editor later on in the course.
Trigger accepts and has been accepting pieces of work, be it poems, drawings or articles via contribution form. It has been a platform to share ideas and interests since the very beginning. Applications for joining the team are opened prior to the release of any issue, updates of which can be found here on our Facebook page. We also appreciate donations (via PayTM or cash) which help us with our printing and domain expenses, as your token of love and blessings.